Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Palos Verdes (redux)

On Monday we went back to Palos Verdes with the intention of seeing if we could get to the lighthouse we tried to visit last time.

It was locked again.  This time we noticed a sign that said it was open the 2nd Saturday of each month for tours.

Interestingly, we parked by the gate, and as we got out of our car a woman walked by with her dog towards the gate.  We didn't think anything of it till we collected ourselves (and our dog) and started to follow her.  As we watched, the gate opened and closed again behind her.  We got to the gate and watched her walk away towards the lighthouse.  I have no idea how she got in.

So we walked the path again for a few minutes.  As I looked back I realized we could see Catalina Island in the distance.  It's about 20 miles away.  You can see it in the picture above, and zoomed in a bit in the picture below.

Next we drove to a resort Lou's friend told her about.  It's a fairly dense development near the ocean, but to the south of it there are some cliffs and this beach.
 There's Lou:

It's not a sandy beach.  I assume the sand you see here on the path and at the end of the path was brought in.  At the water's edge there are a lot of rounded rocks.  As the waves wash onshore, there is a loud noise as all the rocks get pushed inland.  As the water washes out it sounds like crinkling paper (with more of a base note) as the rocks roll back out again.


Over this ledge (it's about 8 feet high) there is a cave.

 Lou, with her new but broken fanny pack:
 The cave is quite tall, with a steeply sloping roof:

 From the cave looking out:

 Lou's pic of me waiting on the beach with the dog, taken as she climbed back over the short ridge.

A lot of people had their dogs with them.  While waiting for Lou to return I watched a man throwing sticks into the water and his dog would jump in, grab the stick and bring it back.  Lou wanted to see how Kipley handled the water, she she went down.  Sadly I missed the picture of him pulling as hard as he could away from the gentle waves.


  1. Ask a couple what they did & you'll get 3 different stories. : ) It wasn't the lighthouse I was going for. It was the Point Vicente hands-on museum across the parking lots. Wanted to see if it was a good place to bring my nephews, later this month. Kind of interesting. Good lavatories. ; )

    As for the resort, Terranea, our clear aim was the cave at the end of that long path. A little anti-climatic. But, lovely. As for the sound of the waves rushing over the rocks & back, imagine a really big rain stick. I could listen to that for an hour or two. Trying to get Kipley to be friends with the waves was a riot. Of course, the only one who got wet was me. : )

    Gotta tell you I'm very grateful to Jay for writing up our adventures. It's a good way to share our adventures, and to give you some ideas about what you'd like to do when you visit. : )

  2. I love California! When I travelled there quite often for business, I was luckly enough to see the entire coast. Santa Barbara was my favorite place...the Santa Barbara winery produced most excellent wines! Where exactly do you guys live?

  3. We haven't made it to Santa Barbara yet.
    We live in Redondo Beach.

